
  • M. Cüneyt Bagdatlı Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University, Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Department of Biosystem Engineering, Nevsehir, Turkey
  • Esra Can Nevsehir Hacı Bektas Veli University, Science Institute, Department of Environmental Engineering, Nevsehir, Turkey



Land and Soil Properties, Geography Information Systems (GIS),, Spatial Mapping, Nevşehir Province, Turkey


In this study, some land and soil properties were spatially evaluated with the help of 1/25.000 scaled digital soil maps belonging to Center of province in the Central Anatolia Region, Turkey. Land use capability, large soil groups, soil depths, erosion, slope and spatial distributions of current land uses were carried out in the research. Arc GIS 10.3.1 software, which is one of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software, was used for spatial analysis. With a maximum of 262518 in the study area, VI. class lands. Class I cover an area of ​​247 . In terms of large soil groups, and soils are dominant and the area covered by these soils is 450187 . The least area was found to be reddish brown soils with 124 . It has been determined that the least area in the depth classes is A class (greater than 150 cm) soils. In the study area, it is the soil with the maximum C class (50-90 cm) depth. When the land was examined in terms of slope, it was determined that the land with the highest 3rd degree slope (12-20%) was formed. The research area consists of soil structure that can be exposed to the 2nd degree erosion class at most. When the current land uses are examined, it is the garden area with the least usage area in the region and the area it covers is 3400 . It has been observed that the most dry farming areas are located in the study area. It is thought that the results obtained as a result of the study will be the basis for the agricultural studies to be carried out in Center of province.


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How to Cite

Bagdatlı, M. C., & Can, E. . (2021). SPATIAL EVALUATION OF LAND AND SOIL PROPERTIES IN THE EXAMPLE OF NEVŞEHİR PROVINCE, TURKEY. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 8(7), 90–103.

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