
  • Likun Xing College of Graduate Study in Management, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
  • Dr. Chuanchen Bi College of Graduate Study in Management, Khon Kaen University, Thailand




Electronic Commerce Marketing, Strategy, Consumer, Decision, Purchase


With the rapid development of the network, the industry of electronic commerce shows a blowout type development, and the electronic commerce marketing mode appears in response to this trend. Compared with traditional marketing modes, the electronic commerce marketing mode is more flexible and covers a more extensive range. It fits a new generation of consumer groups' consumption orientation that focuses on individual experience, highlights personality and characteristics, has the desire of socializing and sharing, and attaches importance to application scenarios, emerging as a new force in the competition of the consumer market. Based on the analysis of current electronic commerce marketing strategies, this paper studies multiple factors that influence the electronic commerce marketing, analyses the consuming behavior and shopping psychology of consumers online, thus, to provide countermeasures that can influence the purchase decision of consumers and finally realize the optimal purpose of online marketing.


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How to Cite

Xing, L., & Bi, C. (2022). ELECTRONIC COMMERCE MARKETING STRATEGY AND ITS INFLUENCE ON PURCHASE DECISIONS OF CONSUMERS. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 9(12), 41–50. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v9.i12.2022.1250

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