
  • Ismi Yunita Harun Biological Education Department, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  • I Made Putrawan Biological Education Department, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Mieke Miarsyah Biological Education Department, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia



Biological Teacher Motivation, Personality, Self-Efficac, Correlation


Motivation needs to be owned by any biologcal teacher to achieve success in learning related to personality factors and self-efficacy. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between personality and self-efficacy with biological teacher motivation. This study used quantitative method by using correlational approach. The research used 135 high school biology teacher in Karawang as sample. There were three instruments developed to measure teacher motivation (34 items) with a reliability of 0.94; personality (34 items) with a reliability of 0.25; and self-efficacy (17 items) with reliability of 0.881. Data were tested through regression and correlation analysis. The results showed that personality and selfefficacy positively and significantly correlated with biological teacher motivation. These findings mean to strengthen biological teacher motivation, factors such as personality, especially big-five personality and self-efficacy could be taken into account.


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How to Cite

Harun, I. Y., I Made Putrawan, & Miarsyah, M. (2019). BIOLOGICAL TEACHERS’ MOTIVATION BASED ON PERSONALITY AND SELF EFFICACY . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(6), 92–100.

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