
  • Berti Priska Gea Math and Science Department, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  • I Made Putrawan Environmental Education Department, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia



Motivation, Self-Efficacy, School Leadership, Regression, Correlation, Survey


Biology teacher needs to have motivation in delivering learning material related to school leadership and self-efficacy. That is why the objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between school leadership, self-efficacy, and motivation of Biology teachers. A survey used by selecting 91 Biology teachers at Jakarta City by using Simple Random Sampling (SRS). There were three instruments developed to measure school leadership (79 items) with reliability of 0.880, self-efficacy (15 items) with reliability 0.984, and motivation (22 items) with reliability 0.885. Data were analyzed by regression-correlation analysis. The result showed that school leadership and self-efficacy has a positive and significant correlation with motivation. These findings mean when motivation would be improved, factors such as school leadership and self-efficacy could be taken into account.


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How to Cite

Gea, B. P., & I Made Putrawan. (2019). BIOLOGICAL TEACHERS’ MOTIVATION BASED ON SCHOOL LEADERSHIP AND SELF-EFFICACY . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(5), 172–180.

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