Vol. 4 No. 1SE (2023): Communicating with Communities: Transcending the Borders

Dear Readers and Contributors,
After the massive success of ISMER 2022, the Department of Visual Media and Communication, Kochi Campus, and Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham announced the second edition of our International Symposium on Media Education Research. The event was organized from 23rd March – 25th March 2023 at Amrita Kochi Campus. This year ISMER focused on "Communicating with Communities, Transcending Borders” to highlight how media can transcend borders and help communicate with the communities. The event is sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research, MICA, UNESCO MIL Alliance, Global Media Educational Council, Media and Information Literacy for Asian Network, Pafeme-South Africa, and Ding Learning UK.
Media has played a significant role in shaping our societies and cultures throughout history. From the invention of the printing press in the 15th century to the rise of the internet and social media in the 21st century, media has evolved and transformed how we communicate, share information, and create meaning. With media becoming more pervasive and accessible daily, its influence on our communities has become even more significant. Media can shape public opinion, influence political discourse, and create cultural norms and values. It can also serve as a platform for marginalized voices, allowing them to challenge dominant narratives and share their experiences with a wider audience. In the era of communication technologies rapidly evolving and shaping our social and cultural landscapes, Media Education has started to gain prominence in the modern era. However, with this great power comes great responsibility. As media professionals and educators, we must be aware of the potential impact of media on our communities and work to ensure that it is used in ways that promote social justice, equity, and diversity. This is why events like ISMER 2023 are so important, as they provide a space for critical dialogue and reflection on the role of media in our lives and how we can use it to create positive change. Over the last three days, we saw 70+ presenters and panellists who opened a diverse range of topics related to media education, including media literacy, media, and communication policy, participatory media, community media, digital storytelling, and more for our audiences. We received 75 research papers which are peer reviewed by the expert reviewers for publication in the journal. From thought-provoking insights on the most pressing issues facing media educators today, ISMER wanted to become a stage for our audience to think critically about the role of media in our lives, in which we have gallantly succeeded.
Dr. S. Dinesh Babu
Guest Editors-
Dr Karthika C
Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Media & Communication School of Arts, Humanities & Commerce, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi Campus, India
Email: karthikac@kh.amrita.edu
Dr M G Priya
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr), Department of English Language and Literature School of Arts, Humanities & Commerce, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi Campus, India
Email: mgpriya@kh.amrita.edu
Dr Ramya K Prasad
Associate Professor, Department of Visual Communication School of Arts, Humanities & Commerce, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Mysuru Campus, India
Email: sriramya31102008@gmail.com
Anusuah Rajendran
Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Communication, Mother Teresa Women's University Saidapet, Chennai-15, India
Email: anu.raj2012@gmail.com