Transport, System Analysis, Ecosystem, Transport Corridor, Program, Modernization, System, Technological Structure, Synthesis, Efficiency, Northern Sea Route (NSR)Abstract
The subject of the article is the ecosystem approach in the modernization of transport systems during the formation of the 8th technological order; the object of the article is the sphere of transport; the purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of management of the development of transport ecosystems; to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: the tasks of system analysis of the development of a new technological order in the transport industry are clarified; the methodology of system analysis of international transport corridors is formed; the image of the future ecosystem of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) is synthesized after modernization on the basis of scientific achievements of the 8th technological order; scientific methods are the theory of hierarchical systems, system synthesis and analysis, logical and heuristic methods, system approach, heuristic forecasting, expert methods, efficiency theory; scientific novelty of the work is determined by the development of methods of system analysis in the field of transport, the methodology of forming the program of modernization of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) on the basis of scientific achievements of the 8th technological order.
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