Neurotechnology, Sixth Technological Order, Machine-Building, Development, Structure, Methodology, Principle, Function, Role, Analysis, Synthesis, Efficiency, Evaluation, CriterionAbstract
The subject of the article is the development of neurotechnologies in the sixth technological or-der, the object of the article is neurotechnologies, the purpose of the work is to increase the ef-ficiency of the development of neurotechnologies in the sixth technological order, to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: research of the concept, content, structural elements of the sixth technological order; description of the essence and content of neurotechnologies; de-velopment of methods of logical analysis and synthesis of neurotechnologies; the scientific methods in the article are forecasting, synthesis and analysis, historical and logical analysis, expert assessments, comparative and system analysis; the scientific novelty of the article is as-sociated with the formation of the methodology for the development of neurotechnologies in the period of the sixth technological order.
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