
  • Dwi Sri Wiyanti Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Wijayakusuma Univesity Purwokerto, Jl. Beji Karangsalam 53152, Indonesia
  • Taufik Dwi Laksono Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Wijayakusuma Univesity Purwokerto, Jl. Beji Karangsalam 53152, Indonesia
  • Atiyah Barkah Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Wijayakusuma Univesity Purwokerto, Jl. Beji Karangsalam 53152, Indonesia



Work Method, Bricklayers, Activity Time, Tile Installation


The implementation of a construction project consists of several works that carried out by labourer or craftsman in accordance to their specifications of expertise. To achieve both time and quality target of work output, each craftsman use different work method that consists of a series of activities. From a series of activities that carried out by each craftsman, the time needed to complete a work can be calculated. This study observed the activities of bricklayers in tile installation. The method that used in the study of bricklayers in tile installation is a literature study. On the other hand, an on-site study is performed by recording a number of bricklayers in tile installation. The recordings of each bricklayer were studied so that a series of activities and the activity time of tile installation can be obtained. From the observations of 35 bricklayers regarding work method and activity time of the tile installation, 4 (four) work methods were identified. Of all the samples that have been studied, the fastest is the bricklayer number 9 (nine) whose activity time was 7.69 minutes by using the work method number 2 (two).


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How to Cite

Wiyanti, D. S., Laksono, T. D., & Barkah, A. (2019). THE EFFECT OF BRICKLAYER’S WORK METHOD ON TILE INSTALLATION WORKING TIME . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(5), 117–126.

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