
  • Lamhot Naibaho Universitas Kristen Indonesia




Role, Language Teaching, Teacher, Students Centered, Approach

Abstract [English]

This study is about teachers’ roles on english language teaching viewed from the perspective of students centered learning approach, and it is aimed at investigating the teachers’ roles in teaching the language to the students based on students centered learning activity and enlarging the knowledge of the language teachers’ roles in teaching in order to help them to be more professional in their field. The method of the study used in this study was a library research study, where theories from any sources that related to the theory used in this study, were used to provide the answers of the problem of this study. The instruments of this study were books and documents. The results of this study indicated that there are some roles that must be possessed by the teacher during language teaching, such as: an organizer, an assessor, a prompter, a participant, a resource, a tutor, an observer, a performer, a controller and as teaching aid. It can be concluded that in order to succeed the language teaching based on students centered learning approach, a teacher should implement those roles.


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How to Cite

Naibaho, L. (2019). TEACHERS’ ROLES ON ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING: A STUDENTS CENTERED LEARNING APPROACH. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 7(4), 206–212. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v7.i4.2019.892

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