Excellent Schools, Religious BehaviorAbstract [English]
The present research is aimed to determine the management model of excellent schools in instilling religious behavior to the students at state high schools in North Sumatra Province. This research is useful to enrich the scientific paradigm in the field of Management of Islamic Education, especially studies on the management of excellent schools in instilling religious behavior to their students.
The research used qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentations. The data analysis used Milles and Huberman model, while the data analysis technique used data triangulation. The data were collected in excellent state high schools in North Sumatra with these following subjects: (1) SMA Negeri 2 Plus Martabe Sipirok, Tapanuli Selatan; (2) SMA Negeri 1Plus Matauli Pandan, Tapanuli Tengah; (3) SMA Negeri 2 Plus Panyabungan, Mandailing Natal. The results of this research indicate that, first: the success of management of excellent schools is influenced by inputs and processes in determining the output and outcome of the students’ religious behavior. Second, the management of excellent schools in North Sumatra involves all components of stakeholders, such as foundations, government, and communities, starting from start planning, implementation and supervision and financing. Third, the religious behavior of students in North Sumatra constitutes “aqidah/ Faithful Behavior”, namely the students’ faith in their religion; “Worship behavior”, namely the act of religious rituals in schools; “Almsgiving behavior”, as seen in discipline, cleanliness maintenance, mutual assistance in pluralism; “Ihsan/ Good Deeds Behavior”, namely the students’ sincerity in worships and almsgiving; “Knowledge Behavior”, namely the students’ knowledge of the teachings of their religion. Fourth, the management of excellent schools in North Sumatra in instilling the students’ religious behavior, that is integrated in the humanistic learning approach system, full-day school and boarding school programs.
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