Benchmarking Leadership, Lecturer Career DevelopmentAbstract [English]
The research aims to determine the strategies of Private Islamic Higher Education leaders in implementing the benchmarking concept in the Private Islamic Higher Education in Jambi Province. This research is qualitative research, with survey method carried out at the Private Islamic Higher Education in Jambi Province, namely at the STAI Syekh Maulana Qori Bangko, STIT Darul Ulum Sarolangun, and STAI Ma'arif Jambi. The research concludes that the strategy of the leaders of Private Islamic Higher Education in implementing the benchmarking concept is done through planning, implementation, and evaluating the implementation of the benchmarking concept. Based on the findings research, it can be built a theory that to develop lecturer careers can be done through benchmarking leadership roles carried out by leaders in Private Islamic Higher Education in Jambi Province.
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