Leadership Style, Emotional Intelligence, Decision Making and Accountability of Madrasah PrincipalsAbstract [English]
This study aims to determine the relationship between Leadership Style, Emotional Intelligence and Decision Making with Accountability the Head of the State Madrasah Aliyah in Jambi Province. The usefulness of this research is to enrich the scientific paradigm in the field of Islamic Education Management, especially the study of organizational behavior.
This research is a quantitative research with survey method. The population of this study were State Madrasah Aliyah (MAN) in Jambi Province with a total sample of 155 teachers taken using the area sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The hypothesis in this study are: 1) there is a relationship between leadership style and accountability of the head of MAN; 2) there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and accountability of the head of MAN; 3) there is a relationship between decision making and accountability of the head of MAN; 4) there is a relationship between leadership style, emotional intelligence, and simultaneous decision making with the accountability of the head of MAN. Hypothesis testing using correlation analysis begins with an analysis of the test requirements which include normality test, homogeneity test, and linearity regression test at a significant level α = 0.05.
The results of the analysis show that: 1) the direct relationship between leadership style and accountability of the head of the State Madrasah Aliyah with a correlation coefficient of 0.698. 2) the direct relationship between emotional intelligence and accountability of heads of State Islamic Senior High Schools with a correlation coefficient of 0.610. 3) direct relationship between decision making and accountability of the head of the State Islamic Senior High School with a correlation coefficient of 0.494. 4) simultaneous direct relationship between leadership style, emotional intelligence and decision making with accountability of the head of the State Madrasah Aliyah with a calculated Fvalue of 51.269 and Ftable of 2.68 with a correlation coefficient of 0.748.
The conclusion of this study is leadership style, emotional intelligence and decision making related to the accountability of the head of the State Madrasah Aliyah. The implication is that the better the leadership style, emotional intelligence, and decision-making made by the headmaster, the better the accountability.
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