IoT, PLM, Product Lifecycle Management, TraceabilityAbstract
The evolvement of Internet of thing (IoT) is undeniable by making the management process become more ease at lowest cost as possible. Product lifecycle management (PLM) is a best approach to be embedded the IoT for the entire manufacturing processes. Real cases reported for weak PLM implemented like late market entry faced by A380 while Toyota faced cost loses in repair, deals and market share from massive called made which effect on company reputations. In this paper, traceability becomes a factor among man, machine and management in order to make fast respond on the data retrieved. The term traceability is measured based on response time in real time system to track the information in just in time for one-to-one communication
through JAVA programming and two different operating systems as an approach. The communication can be occurred in less than 20seconds within two different machines. The traceability time is a performance measure for just in time data process which the human behavior factor is neglected for this study. The fastest time response have a potential to optimize the manufacturing management, make more efficient and offer the traceability on product/project status beside improve the flexibility, maintainability, reusability as well as extensibility.
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