Conceptual Understanding, Effectiveness, Practicality, Problem Solving Ability, Worksheet MRAbstract [English]
This research aims to analyze the practicality and effectiveness student worksheet based on multiple representation to improve conceptual understanding and problem-solving ability, especially in magnetic material. The research method using quasi experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique, class XII student high school in Bandar Lampung. The instruments are feasibility student worksheet of observation sheet, student responses to the student worksheet, student activity sheets, and conceptual understanding test and problem-solving ability test. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis by percentage, N-gain analysis, and independent t-test. The results showed student worksheet based on multiple representation: 1) practical, which is indicated by a) the average score student worksheet enforceability in any learning activity that is 87.31 with very high criteria and b) the positive response of students (83.75%) against student worksheet. 2) effective, which is indicated by a) the student's activity during the study included in the active category, and b) there are significant differences in conceptual understanding and problem-solving ability between the experiment class and control class. Conceptual understanding and problem-solving ability are taught using student worksheet based on multiple representation the experimental class better than the control class.
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