
  • Alexander Ferdinan Tuati Jakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Unifah Rosyidi Jakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Siti Zulaikha Jakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Matin, Suryadi Jakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Eliana Sari Jakarta State University, Indonesia



Education, School Culture, Character Education, Habituation


In a Globalization era, school has to build up a positive culture to prepare Millennial Generation in science, technology and character. The passion of the founders in the school’s vision and mission became the basic for building up the school culture. Every year, there must be a changing of school components, a graduating class, a freshman who will take a new class, and also the teachers and staff. That conditions make them can’t work in a same passion and achieve school’s goals. Building up the school culture means to build up habits in applying school’s values (religiosity, nationalism, independence, mutual cooperation, and integrity), carrying out school rules, having work’s habits to achieve the goals of the school. Character education in curriculum 2013, provides a space for school to build up the school culture through the habituation of character education and being a role model. Starting with respect, curiosity, perseverance and courage school culture can be stronger than the previous year and the all school components can bring good influences in the school.


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How to Cite

Tuati, A. F., Rosyidi, U., Zulaikha, S., Suryadi, M., & Sari, E. (2019). BUILD UP SCHOOL CULTURE THROUGH IMPLEMENTATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(5), 162–171.