Tourism, Artificial Intelligence, Working Mechanism, AI Application, Augmented Reality & Virtual RealityAbstract
This study advocates for the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the tourism industry. It synthesizes literature to comprehensively examine this concept, emphasizing the importance of tourist satisfaction and industry development. The study pursues two main objectives: elucidating AI's workings and analyzing its application in tourism. Employing a descriptive methodology, it gathers secondary data from diverse sources. The findings highlight the potential benefits of AI implementation in policy, strategy, and operational aspects of tourism. Moreover, it underscores the importance of AI education for stakeholders, including institutions, policymakers, and tour management teams, to leverage cutting-edge technologies effectively.
This paper is an endeavour to shed light on the specific ways AI is utilized within the tourism sector, offering insights that can inform industry practices and academic discourse.
This research contributes to the discourse on AI's role in enhancing tourism experiences and industry efficiency, offering insights for future strategies and implementations.
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