Academic Bankruptcy, Curriculum Gap, Management Education, Workplace Competencies, Pedagogic Practices, Contradiction AnalysisAbstract
With the rising demand for a “competent workforce” in the 21st-century business environment, Workplace learning is the centre stage of higher learning curriculum, which nobody can deny. In this direction management education plays its role as a path-leader. To nurture and prepare future managers for the changing requirements of the business world Bilimoria (2000), B-Schools can play a pivotal role. A plethora of research established on the issue of the “curriculum gap” to equip learners with the identified and relevant workplace competencies. Management education imparted by the B-schools and universities must deliver the most relevant workplace competencies.
It is very important that the present educational system broadens its scope and equips future graduates with the latest and relevant competencies as per the demand of the industry. Does it so in reality and practice? In the global arena of management education, Indian B-schools are not resistant to the pressures of the recent times requirements of the industries. To meet the interests of society, industry, government, and the global community in general, Indian business schools must reinvent their management education to ensure its relevance over time. The present study is an effort to delve into associating workplace competencies most desired by industry with relevant standard pedagogic practices and comprehend how they differ from each other, based on the students and faculty of the select B-schools who perceive the source of workplace competencies through the various educational practices by the Russel and Rao Proximity Analysis.
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