
  • Idris Othman Civil Engineering Department, Universititeknologi Petronas, Malaysia
  • Hisham Mohamad Civil Engineering Department, Universititeknologi Petronas, Malaysia
  • Nasiman Sapari Civil Engineering Department, Universititeknologi Petronas, Malaysia
  • Nasir Shafiq Civil Engineering Department, Universititeknologi Petronas, Malaysia
  • Fauzan Ibrahim Civil Engineering Department, Universititeknologi Petronas, Malaysia
  • Md Salim Kamil Civil Engineering Department, Universititeknologi Petronas, Malaysia




Shipyard, Safety, Accident, Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS)


The Shipyard industry is one of the growing industry in Malaysia. There is still a lot of room for improvement with regards to the safety aspects within the industry. This study presents the finding of a survey on the safety management in shipyard operation of class C and D in Peninsular Malaysia as registered with Ministry of Finance Malaysia. Shipyard operation is considered a hazardous job. Most of the cases were due to fall from height, fire and explosion. The accidents were due to crane collapsed and explosion during welding works inside a hull of a Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) carrier. The research aims to study the Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) of shipyard operations in Malaysia particularly in Class C and Class D. This study was conducted using a survey method following the Glenn D’s equation. The findings of this study shown that almost all the shipyards had HSEMS in placed but some were incomplete. Accidents still happen in the Malaysian shipyard industry from time to time. Nearly 10% of shipyards did not have clear HSE Policy due to low priority given to HSE matters.


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How to Cite

Othman, I., Mohamad, H., Sapari, N., Shafiq, N., Ibrahim, F., & Kamil, S. (2018). HSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT HIGH ELEVATION IN SHIPBUILDING PROJECT . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 5(11), 117–127. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v5.i11.2018.322