
  • Noro Fajar Prianggoro Magister Manajemen Student, Universitas Mercubuana (UMB), Jakarta Indonesia
  • Professor Dr. Arifin Sitio Magister Manajemen Student, Universitas Mercubuana (UMB), Jakarta Indonesia




Customer Satisfaction, Purchasing Decisions, Price, Service Quality, Promotion


This study aims to analyze the effect of Service Quality and Promotion on Purchasing Decisions and Their Implications on Customer Satisfaction. In accordance with the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 109 of 2013 concerning the phasing in the participation of social security programs, the BPJS Employment consists of two fields, namely the Wage Recipient and Non-Wage Recipient fields. With the sanctions and regulations imposed on the Wage Recipient field, the reach of participants will be easier, in contrast to the Non-Wage Recipient (BPU) field which consists of independent workers (informal) will tend to be more difficult considering the different backgrounds and professions of informal workers certainly must have good quality public services to gain public trust in BPJS Employment. The type of research used for this study was to use descriptive analytic research. the population in this study was BPJS Employment of Banten Region customers. The sampling based on the theory of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) amounted to 100 respondents. The results of this study indicate that (1) Service Quality has a positive and significant effect on Purchasing Decisions, (2) Promotion has a positive and significant effect on Purchasing Decisions, (3) Service Quality has a significant indirect effect on Customer Satisfaction, (4) Influential Promotion indirectly significantly towards Customer Satisfaction, and (5) Purchasing Decisions have a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Prianggoro, N. F., & Sitio, A. (2019). EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY AND PROMOTION ON PURCHASE DECISIONS AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(6), 51–62. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v6.i6.2019.393