Brief Introduction of Dr. Pratosh Bansal
Name: Dr. Pratosh Bansal
Affiliation: Professor, Department of Information Technology, Institute of Engineering & Technology, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, India
Institutional Profile: Visit Profile Here
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Dr. Pratosh Bansal is Professor, Department of Information Technology, Institute of Engineering & Technology, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, India.
Educational Qualifications:
- Ph. D., DAVV, Indore, Year 2011, Faculty of Engineering
- M. Tech., DAVV, Indore, Year 2003, Discipline - Computer Science
- M. Tech., DAVV, Indore, Year 1999, Discipline - Energy Management
- B. E., Government Engineering College, Jabalpur (MP), 1995, Branch - Mechanical Engineering
Work Experiences:
- Professor (16.08.2013 to till date)
- Reader/ Associate Professor, 16.08.2007 to 15.08.2013 (Direct Selection)
- Senior Lecturer (CAS) (30.01.2006 to 15.08.2007)
- Lecturer (30.01.2001 to 30.01.2006)
- Chief Executive Officer (November 07 to November 08)
Academic Association History Publications:
a) Research Articles:
- R Khadgawat, P Garg, P Bansal, A Arya, B Choudhary, Accidental poisoning, Indian pediatrics 31, 1555-1555 (1994)
- A Agarwal, S Siddharth, P Bansal, Evolution of cloud computing and related security concerns, 2016 Symposium on Colossal Data Analysis and Networking (CDAN), 1-9
- M Lovanshi, P Bansal, Comparative study of digital forensic tools, Data, Engineering and Applications: Volume 2, 195-204 (2019)
- RK Chakrawarti, H Mishra, P Bansal, Review of machine translation techniques for idea of Hindi to English idiom translation, International journal of computational intelligence research 13 (5), 1059-1071 (2017)
- RK Chakrawarti, J Bansal, P Bansal, Machine translation model for effective translation of Hindi poetries into English, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 34 (1), 95-109 (2022)
- P Chauhan, P Bansal, Emphasizing on various security issues in cloud forensic framework, Indian Journal of Science and Technology 10 (18), 1-7 (2017)
- P Gupta, P Bansal, A survey of attacks and countermeasures for denial of services (dos) in wireless ad hoc networks, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and … (2016)
- RK Chakrawarti, P Bansal, Approaches for improving Hindi to English machine translation system, Indian Journal of Science and Technology 10 (16), 1-8 (2017)
- R Soni, S Ambalkar, P Bansal, Security and privacy in cloud computing, 2016 Symposium on Colossal Data Analysis and Networking (CDAN), 1-60
- A Bhargava, A Bansal, V Goyal, P Bansal, A review on tea quality and safety using emerging parameters, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 1-21 (2022)
- V Shah, P Bansal, CDCD-5 an improved mobile forensics model, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology … (2012)
- P Bansal, M Gupta, S Sangwan, GK Bhatia, S Ramniwas, D Chandran, ..., Computational Purposing Phytochemicals against Cysteine Protease of Monkeypox Virus: An In-silico Approach, J Pure Appl Microbiol 16 (suppl 1), 3144-3154 (2022)
- H Mishra, RK Chakrawarti, P Bansal, Implementation of Hindi to English idiom translation system, International Conference on Advanced Computing Networking and Informatics … (2019)
- H Mishra, RK Chakrawarti, P Bansal, A new approach for Hindi to English idiom translation, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) 9 (07) (2017)
- P Bansal, M Chandwani, ICT Based Knowledge Management for Sustainable Competitive Advantage, International Journal of Systems and Technologies 3 (2), 207-226 (2010)
- M Patidar, P Bansal, Log-Based Approach for Security Implementation in Cloud CRM’s, Data, Engineering and Applications: Volume 2, 33-43 (2019)
- P Bansal, M Chandwani, Process Knowledge Maps for Academic Excellence, The Journal of Engineering (2007)
- PK Gupta, ML Gupta, PR Gupta, PC Garg, PK Bansal, Bilateral and recurrent pneumothorax complicating acute miliary tuberculosis: a case report (1987)
- J Mandloi, P Bansal, A machine learning-based dynamic method for detecting vulnerabilities in smart contracts, International Journal of Applied Engineering &Technology 4, 110-118 (2022)
- P Chauhan, P Bansal, Assessment of forensics investigation methods, Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Sustainability: Proceedings of ICIMES …(2021)
- RK Chakrawarti, P Bansal, J Bansal, Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation of Hindi Poetries into English, Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems … (2021)
- A Yadav, RK Chakrawarti, P Bansal, Couplets Translation from English to Hindi Language Social Networking and Computational Intelligence: Proceedings of SCI-2018 … (2020)
- J Mandloi, P Bansal, An Empirical Review on Blockchain Smart Contracts: Application and Challenges in Implementation, International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications 7 (2), 43-61 (2020)
- R Verma, P Bansal, Scope of managing knowledge in digital forensics, Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science … (2019)
- M Patidar, P Bansal, Cloud forensics: An overall research perspective, International Journal of Scientific Research in Network Security and … (2018)
- D Chauhan, P Bansal, Study on need of data sanitization and sanitization techniques for memory devices, Open Access International Journal of Science & Engineering 2 (11), 2456-3293 (2017)
- J Yaduwanshi, P Bansal, A Novel Approach for Copy Move Forgery Detection Using Template Matching, Proceedings of International Conference on Communication and Networks …(2017)
- A Soni, RK Gupta, M Raghav, GD Masih, P Bansal, Comparison of Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Graft, Semitendinosus–Gracilis Graft and Semitendinosus–Gracilis with Preserved Tibial Insertion Graft in Anterior Cruciate Ligament …, Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 15 (2), 12 (2021)
- P Chauhan, P Bansal, Enhancing trust and immutability in cloud forensics, ICT Systems and Sustainability: Proceedings of ICT4SD 2020, Volume 1, 771-778 (2021)
- M Lovanshi, P Bansal, Benchmarking of digital forensic tools, New Trends in Computational Vision and Bio-inspired Computing: Selected … (2020)
- P Bansal, J Bansal, Decision Tree Based Hybrid Concept Map For Codifying Dynamic Knowledge, Proceedings of 100th Indian Science Congress, Kolkata, 157 (2013)
- J Bansal, P Bansal, Changed human values in India and pollution: Analysis of some Contemporary issues, Global Journal of Human Social Science Geography and Environmental Geo …(2012)
- V Goyal, P Bansal, A Goel, NR Bishnoi, Effect of terminal drought stress on different pigments of various genotypes of pearl millet, CROP RESEARCH-HISAR- 21 (3), 271-273 (2001)
- S Khatri, P Bansal, Feature Selection Using Information Gain for Software Effort Prediction Using Neural Network Model, Data, Engineering and Applications: Select Proceedings of IDEA 2021, 177-198 (2022)
- J Bansal, P Bansal, RK Chakrawarti, Analysis of Hindi-English Poetry Translation through Machine Translation Systems, 2021 5th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer …
- P Bansal, S Bhave, Performance Analysis of Flower Pollination Algorithms Using Statistical Methods: An Overview, International Conference on Soft Computing and Signal Processing, 175-185 (2021)
- J Mandloi, P Bansal, Smart Contract Security and Privacy Taxonomy, Tools, and Challenges, Data Science and Security: Proceedings of IDSCS 2021, 159-167
- RK Chakrawarti, P Bansal, J Bansal, Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation of Hindi Poetries into English by incorporating Word Sense Disambiguation, SAMRIDDHI: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology 12 (01) (2020)
- P Gupta, P Bansal, Packet Drop Analysis with Variation in Area and Number of Nodes in MANET, SAMRIDDHI: A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology 11 (01) (2019)
- P Gupta, P Bansal, Authentication Process Using Secure Sum for a New Node in Mobile Ad Hoc Network, Data, Engineering and Applications: Volume 2, 77-84 (2018)
- P Gupta, P Bansal, Different Attacks and their Defense Line in Mobile Ad hoc Networks: A Survey (2018)