Brief Introduction of Dr. Mohamed Shaban Said Fadel
Name: Dr. Mohamed Shaban Said Fadel
Affiliation: Associate Professor, Materials Science, Physics Department, Beni-Suef University, EGYPT
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Dr. Mohamed Shaban Said Fadel is Associate Professor, Materials Science, Physics Department, Beni-Suef University, EGYPT.
Educational Qualifications:
- Ph.D. (Experiemental Physics) Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Egypt (2007 – 2010)
- M. Sc. (Experiemental Physics) Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Egypt (2002 – 2006)
- Pre-Master Studies (Experiemental Physics) Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef branch, Cairo University, Egypt (2001-2002)
- B.Sc. (physics-Mathematics, Very Good) Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef branch, Cairo University, Egypt (1996- 2000)
Work Experiences:
- (11/2015 – Now) Associate Prof, Materials Science, Physics Department, Beni-Suef University
- (1/9/2012 – 30/5/2013) Research Association, YJ-STRC, School of Science and Eng, AUC (part time)
- (1/1/2012- 31/8/2012) Post-Doc Association, School of Science and Eng, AUC (Part time)
- (11/2010 – 11/2015) Lecturer, Beni-Suef University
- (11/2006 –11/ 2010) Ass. Lecturer, Cairo University, Beni-Suef branch
- (12/2000- 11/2006) Demonstrator, Cairo University, Beni-Suef branch
Academic Association History Publications:
a) Research Articles:
- M.Shaban, H. Saad, H. Hamdy, and F.Shahin," Optical Excitation Function of the Sr and Sr+ Atoms", Egypt; Arab J. Nucl. Sci.Appl. 40, 405-413(2007)
- Mohamed Shaban, Hany Hamdy, Fayez Shahin, and Sang-Wan Ryu, "Strong surface Plasmon Resonance of ordered Gold nanorod Array Fabricated in Porous Anodic alumina template ", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", Vol. 10, 3034-3037 (2010) [IF=1.572, ISSN: 15334880, H Index: 61]
- Mohamed Shaban, Hany Hamdy, Fayez Shahin, Joonmo Park and Sang-Wan Ryu, "Uniform and Reproducible Barrier Layer Removal of Porous Anodic Alumina Membrane", Journal of Nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol. 10, 3380-3384 (2010) [IF= 1.572, ISSN: 15334880, H Index: 61]
- Mohamed Shaban, Hany Hamdy, Fayes Shahin and Sang-Wan Ryu, "optical Properties of Porous Anodic Alumina Membrane Uniformaly Decorated with Ultra-Thin Porous Gold Nanoparticles Arrays", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11, 941-952 (2011) [IF= 1.572, ISSN: 15334880, H Index: 61]
- Mohamed Shaban, Hany Hamdy, Fayez Shahin and Sang-Wan Ryu, " Fabrication of ordered Cr nanostructures by self agglomeration on porous anodic alumina membranes", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11, 7145-7150 (2011). [IF= 1.572, ISSN: 15334880, H Index: 61]
- Hany Hamdy, Sang-Wan Ryu, Mohamed Shaban, " Cr nanostructures fabricated based on porous anodic alumina membranes” World Journal of Engineering, Supplement 1, 393-394 (2011)
- Mohamed Shaban, Heba AbdAllah, Lamiaa Said, Hany S. Hamdy, Ahmed Abdel khalek, Fabrication of PES/ TiO2 Nanotubes Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membranes, J. Chemica Acta 2(2013) 59-61. [ISSN: 2314-7075 (Print) 2314-7083 (Online)]
- Mohamed Shaban, Amin Hussein, Detection of Heavy Metal Ions in Water by PAA/CNTs Nanosensor, J. Chemica Acta 1(2012) 48-51. [ISSN: 2314-7075 (Print) 2314-7083 (Online)]
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Ali, Kamal Abdelhady, Hany Hamdy " Fabrication and Characterization of Tin nanostructure based on porous anodic alumina membranes" Advances in Materials and Corrosion 1 (2012) 43-46. [ISSN: 2314-7059 (Print) 2314-7067 (Online)]
- M. Shaban and M.F. Eissa “Study the effect of alpha particle fluences on the morphology and optical properties of poly-aniline in nano-scale” IOSR Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 4, Issue 6 , PP 54-60 (2013). [IF: 1.345, ISSN: 2278-4861]
- M. Serry, A. Gamal, M. Shaban, and A. Sharaf, “High sensitivity optochemical and electrochemical metal ion sensor” Micro and Nano Letters 8 (11) (2013) 775 – 778. Doi: 10.1049/mnl.2013.0361 (IF= 0.94, ISSN: 17500443, H Index: 12)
- M. Shaban, A. G. A. Hady, M. Serry “A New Sensor for Heavy Metals Detection in Aqueous Media” IEEE Sensors Journal 14 (2) (2014) 436-441. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2013.2279916 [IF:1.475, ISSN: 1530437X, H Index: 49]
- M. Shaban, Ashour M. Ahmed , Ehab M. Abdel Rhman, and Hany Hamdy “Synthesis of nanoporous chromium film by DC electrodeposition on aluminum substrate” IOSR Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 6, Issue 1 , PP 52-57 (2014). DOI: 10.9790/4861-06125257 [IF: 1.345, ISSN: 2278-4861]
- S. M. Sayyah, F. Mohamed, and M. Shaban” Antibacterial activity of nano fabricated polypyrrole by cyclic voltammetry” IOSR Journal of Applied chemistry, Volume 7, Issue 2, PP 11-15 (2014). DOI: 10.9790/5736-07211115 [IF: 1.327, ISSN: 2278-5736]
- M. Shaban, Ashour M. Ahmed, Ehab M. Abdel Rhman, and Hany Hamdy “Fabrication and characterization of micro/nanoporous Cr film for sensing applications” Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 198, 115-121 (2014). [IF:3.52, ISSN:13871811 , H-Index: 110] doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2014.07.022
- S. M. Sayyah, M. Rabia, A. Baheg and M. Shaban, Electropolymerization of m-cresol on platinum electrode from aqueous acidic solution (Article ID: 27703574), International Journal of Chemistry 35, 1573-1585 (2014). [IF = 1.438, ISSN: 2051-2732]
- MEM. Hassouna, M. Shaban and FM. Nassif, REMOVAL OF IRON AND MANGANESE IONS FROM GROUNDWATER USING KAOLIN SUB MICRO POWDER AND ITS MODIFIED FORMS, International Journal of Bioassays, Int. J. Bioassays, 2014, 3 (07), 3137-3145. [ISSN: 2278-778X, IF = 2.769]
- S. M. Sayyah, F. Mohamed, and M. Shaban “Adsorption of Pb (II) ions from aqueous solutions using polycresol film fabricated by cyclic voltammetry” IOSR Journal of Applied chemistry, Volume 7, Issue 6 Ver. I. (Jun. 2014), PP 56:64. [IF: 1.327, ISSN: 2278-5736]
- S. M. Sayyah, M. Rabia, and M. Shaban, m-Toluidin Polymer Film Coated Platinum Electrode as pH Sensor by Potentiometric Methods (Article ID: 27703633), International Journal of Chemical Engineering, Recent Science Publications, accepted 2014. [IF = 1.677]
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Ali, Kamal Abdelhady, Hany Hamdy "Fabrication and Characterization of Porous Anodic Alumina Membranes Decorated with Tin Nanoparticles”, International Journal of Physics and Astronomy 27, 1167-1172(2014) [ IF = 2. 1, ISSN:2051-6851]
- M. Shaban, Ashour M. Ahmed , Ehab M. Abdel Rhman, and Hany Hamdy “Fabrication of Highly Ordered Porous Anodic Alumina Template Decorated with Nanostructured Ultra-Thin Cu Film” International Journal of Physics and Astronomy 27, 1173-1176(2014). [ IF = 2. 1, ISSN:2051-6851]
- Mohamed Shaban, Amin Husseina, Ahmed Abdel khalekh, and Hany S. Hamdya “Morphological Studies of ZnO Nanostructures Deposited on Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Membrane by Rapid Dip Coating Technique” IOSR Journal of Applied chemistry, Volume 7, Issue 9 Ver. I. (Sep. 2014), PP 04-08. [IF: 1.327, ISSN: 2278-5736]. DOI: 10.9790/5736-7910408
- S. M. Sayyah, F. Mohamed, and M. Shaban “Electropolymerization of ortho methoxy phenol-co-pyrrole and characterization of the obtained film” IOSR Journal of Applied chemistry, .Volume 7, Issue 9 Ver. I. (Sep. 2014), PP 09-21. [IF: 1.327, ISSN: 2278-5736]
- S. M. Sayyah, F. Mohamed, and M. Shaban “Electropolymerization of ortho methoxy phenol-co-pyrrole and characterization of the obtained film” International Journal of Bioassays, .Volume 3, Issue 11 Ver. I. (Sep. 2014), PP 3543‐3552. [IF: 2.927, ISSN: 2278‐778X]
- Mohamed Shaban, Heba AbdAllah, Lamiaa Said, Hany Hamdy, Ahmed Abdel khalek, “Titanium dioxide nanotubes embedded mixed matrix PES membranes characterization and membrane performance”, Chemical Engineering Research and Design 95 (2015) 307–316. DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2014.11.008 [IF: 2.348, ISSN: 0263-8762]
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Ali, Kamal Abdelhady, Hany Hamdy, Self- Agglomeration of Tin Nanoparticle Array on Porous Anodic Alumina Membranes: Fabrication and Characterization, Current Nanoscience 11(2), (2015)221-214 [ISSN (Print): 1573-41378, IF:1.55 , DOI: 10.2174/1573413711666150114223914]
- A.M. El Sayed, Mohamed Shaban, Structural, Optical and Photocatalytic properties of Fe and (Co, Fe) co-doped Copper Oxide Spin Coated Films, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 149, (2015) 638–646 [IF= 2.39, ISSN: 13861425, HI: 74]
- Mohamed Shaban, A.M. El Sayed, “influences of Lead and Magnesium co-doping on the Nanostructural, Optical properties and Wettability of Spin Coated Zinc Oxide Films” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 39, (2015)136–147 [IF = 2.01, ISSN: 13698001, HI: 35] DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2015.04.008]
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Ali, Kamal Abdelhady, Hany Hamdy, “Al2O3 and Sn/Al2O3 nanowires: Fabrication and Characterization”, Micro and Nano Letters(2015),10(7):324-329 [IF= 0.9, , ISSN: 17500443, HI: 17]
- S. M. Sayyah, Mohamed Shaban, and Mohamed Rabia, “m-Toluidine Polymer Film Coated Platinum Electrode as a pH Sensor by Potentiometric Methods”, SENSOR LETTERS 13(11), (2015) 961–966. [IF= 0.52, , ISSN: 15461971, 1546198X, HI: 25] DOI:
- Mohamed Shaban, Heba AbdAllah, Lamiaa Said, Hany Hamdy, Ahmed Abdel khalek, “Effect of TiO2 NTs% on Polyehtersulfone/TiO2 NTs Membranes”, Journal of material Science and Engineering A 5 (1-2), (2015) 65-68 [ISSN: 2161-6213 and 2161-6221]. DOI:10.17265/2161-6213/2015.1-2.009
- Mohamed Shaban, Mohamed Zayed, Ashour. M Ahmed, Hany Hamdy, Influence of growth time on the morphology of ZnO nanostructures prepared by low-temperature chemical bath deposition, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), Vol.7. issue 4 ver.II, (2015) 35-40 [IF: 1.34, ISSN: 2278-4861]. DOI: 10.9790/4861-07423540
- Mohamed Shaban, G. F. Attia, Mohamed A. Basyooni, Hany Hamdy, “Morphological and Structural Properties of spin coated Tin Oxide thin films”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Reasearch Technology (IJEART) 1 (3), (2015) 11-14
- Mohamed Shaban, "Effect of Pore Thickness and the State of Polarization on the Optical Properties of Hexagonal Nanoarray of Au/Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Membrane," Journal of Nanomaterials, vol. 2015, Article ID 347486, 9 pages, 2015.[ IF= 1.644] doi:10.1155/2015/347486
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona mostafa, Hany hamdy “Morphological and Optical Study of Sol-Gel Spin Coated Nanostructured CdS Thin Films” IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) 7 (6 (I)), (2015) 19-22
- Mohamed Shaban, A.M. El Sayed, “Effects of lanthanum and sodium on the structural, optical and hydrophilic properties of sol– gel derived ZnO films: A comparative study” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 41(C), 323-334 (2016). [IF = 2.01, ISSN:13698001, HI: 35]
- Mohamed Shaban, Mohamed Rabie, A High-Sensitivity Potentiometric Mercuric Ion Sensor Based on m-Toluidine Films, IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume 16, Issue 6, (2016) pp. 1541 - 1548) [ISSN: 1530-437X, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2505313]
- S. M. Sayyah, Mohamed Shaban, Mohamed Rabie, Electropolymerization of m-toluidin on platinum electrode from aqueous acidic solution and characterization of the obtained polymer, Advances in Polymer Technology, Volume 35, 2016, 21649 (11 pp)) (ISSN: 1098-2329) Article first published online : 13 JAN 2016, DOI: 10.1002/adv.21649
- Mohamed Shaban ; Ashour M. Ahmed; Ehab Abdel Rahman ; Hany Hamdy, “Morphological and Optical Properties of Ultra-Thin Nanostructured Cu Films Deposited by RF Sputtering on Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Substrate”, Micro & Nano Letters 11(2016) 4 pp. DOI: 10.1049/mnl.2015.0563 , Online ISSN 1750-0443
- Mohamed Shaban, A.Galaly, Highly Sensitive and Selective In-Situ SERS Detection of Pb2+, Hg2+, and Cd2+ Using Nanoporous Membrane Functionalized with CNTs" Scientific Reports ( Nature publisher) , 6 (2016) 25307 (9 pages). DOI: 10.1038/srep25307), IF = 5.578]
- H. Khmissi, A. M. El Sayed, Mohamed Shaban, “Structural, morphological, opticalproperties and wettability of spin-coated copper oxide; influences of film thickness, Ni, and (La, Ni) co-doping” Journal of Materials Science, J Mater Sci (2016) 51 (12):5924-5938, (DOI 10.1007/s10853-016-9894-7)
- Mohamed Shaban “Morphological and Optical Characterization of High Density Au/PAA Nanoarrays Journal of Spectroscopy”, Volume 2016, Article ID 5083482, 8 pages (
- A.M. El Sayed, S. Taha, Mohamed Shaban , G. Said, “ Tuning the structural, electrical and optical properties of tin oxide thin films via cobalt doping and annealing” Superlattices and Microstructures 95 (2016) 1-13. (
- M. Shaban, Ashour M. Ahmed, Ehab M. Abdel Rhman, Arafa Aly, and Hany Hamdy, “Tunable electro-optical properties of defective one-dimensional photonic crystal” Results in Physics (accepted 2016)
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Mustafa; Adel M El Sayed, Structural, optical, and photocatalytic properties of the spray deposited nanoporous CdS thin films; influence of copper doping, annealing, and deposition parameters, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Volume 56, December 2016, Pages 329–343
- S. M. Sayyah, Mohamed Shaban, and Mohamed Rabia, “A Sensor of m-Toluidine/m-Cresol Polymer Film for Detection of Lead Ions by Potentiometric Methods”, SENSOR LETTERS 14(5), (2016) in press. [IF= 0.52, , ISSN: 15461971, 1546198X, HI: 25] DOI: 10.1166/sl.2016.3656
- Mohamed Shaban, Semsem Abdallah, Ahmed Abdel Khalek, Characterization and photocatalytic properties of cotton fibers modified with ZnO nanoparticles using sol–gel spin coating technique, Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Available online 20 September 2016,
- Heba A. Shalaby, Amal k. Sakr, Moanes M. Soliman, Monazah G. Khafagi and Mohamed Shaban, PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ASSESSMENT OF MECHANICALLY DEGRADED INTERFACE OF BIODENTINE AND GLASS IONOMER IN SANDWICH TECHNIQUE, EGYPTIAN DENTAL JOURNAL Vol. 62, 3763:3772, October, 2016, I.S.S.N 0070-9484
- Mohamed Shaban, Mostafa Ragab Abukhadra, Enhancing the Technical Qualifications of Egyptian White Sand Using Acid Leaching; Response Surface Analysis and Optimization, International Journal of Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy 2016; 1(4): 33-40 doi: 10.11648/j.ijmpem.20160104.13
- S. M. Sayyah, Mohamed Shaban, and Mohamed Rabia, A sensor of m-cresol nanopolymer/Pt-electrode film for detection of lead ions by potentiometric methods, Advances in Polymer Technology, Volume 00, 2016, In press ( ISSN: 1098-2329)
- Mohamed Shaban, Mohamed Zayed, Hany Hamdy, Preparation and characterization of nanostructured ZnO thin films for self cleaning Applications, RSC Advances,2016, in Press (IF= 3.8)
- Mohamed Shaban, Mohamed Rabia, Walid Fathallah, Neama Abd El-Mawgoud, Heba Hussien, omnia Said, Preparation of PANI and PANI-Ag composite nanoparticles and their testing as antimicrobial activity materials, Journal of Polymers and the Environment,2016 (IF= 1.97)
- Mohamed A. Basyooni, Mohamed Shaban , Adel M. El Sayed, Enhanced Gas Sensing Properties of Spin-coated Na-doped ZnO Nanostructured Films, Scientific reports( Major revision 2016)
- M. Shaban, Ashour M. Ahmed, Ehab M. Abdel Rhman, and Hany Hamdy, “Tunability and Sensing Properties of Plasmonic/1D Photonic Crystal, Scientific reports( Major revision 2016)
- Mohamed Shaban, Mostafa Abukhadra, Aya S Mohamed, Mesoporous Graphitic Carbon Synthesized from Alkaline Treated Rice Husk Ash for Removal of Safranin-O dye from Solution; Equilibrium Studies, Thermodynamics and Statistical Optimization, Microporous & Mesoporous Materials (Submitted 2016)
- Mohamed Shaban, Mostafa R Abukhadra, Characterization and Environmental Application of Yemeni Natural Zeolite as Sorbent for Cd2+ from Solution; Kinetic modeling, Equilibrium Studies, and Statistical Optimization, Minerals Engineering (Submitted 2016)
- Mohamed Shaban, Mostafa R. Abukhadra, Mohamed Rabia, Heulandite/Polyaniline Nanoporous Composites as Hybrid Material for Superior Removal of LGSF dye from water; Kinetic, Equilibrium studies and Statistical Optimization, Hazard Materials (Submitted 2016)
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Mostafa, Spin Coated Nanostructured CdS Thin Film on Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Substrate for Glucose Sensing, Semiconductor Science and Technology (Submitted 2016, SST-103068), [IF = 0.9, ISSN 1750-0443]
b) Conference Publications:
- H. Hamdy, H. Hanafy, M. Shaban, and F. Shahin, “Optical Excitation by Electron Impact on Sr ions” 2nd All African IRPA Regional Rad. Protec. Conf. Ismailia. 22-26 April 2007
- H. Hamdy, H. Hanafy, M. Shaban, and F. Shahin, “Polarization Measurements of The Emitted Light Induced by Electron Impact on Sr”, 2nd All African IRPA Regional Rad. Protec. Conf. Ismailia. 22-26 April 2007
- M.Shaban, H. Saad, H. Hamdy, and F.Shahin,” Optical Excitation Function of the Sr and Sr+ Atoms”, VIII Radiation Physics & Protection Conference, 13-15 November 2006, Beni Sueif-Fayoum, Egypt
- Mohamed Shaban, Sang-Wan Ryu, Hany Hamdy, Fayez Shahin, “Fabrication and Optical Characterization of Decorated Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Membranes”, 4th International Conference on Modern Trends in Physics Research (MTPR-2010), Cairo& Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, December 12-16, (2010). World Scientific publisher (conference procedure) (2011)
- Hany Hamdy, Sang-Wan Ryu, Mohamed Shaban, “Cr nanostructures fabricated based on porous anodic alumina membranes”, The 19th Annual International Conference on Composites and Nano Engineering (ICCE-19) Shanghai, China, July 24-30 (2011)
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Ali, Ashour M. Ahmed, Hany Hamdy, and Fayez Shahin “Fabrication and Optical Characterization of Nanoporous Anodized Aluminum Oxide Membranes” PECS-X: 10th International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA , conference procedure (PECS-X-085), 312-313, 2012
- M. Shaban, M. Serry, “A new sensor for heavy metals detection in aqueous media” Proceedings of IEEE Sensors (2012) 1-4: doi: 10.1109/ICSENS.2012.6411184
- Mohamed Shaban, Heba AbdAllah, Lamiaa Said, Hany S. Hamdy, Ahmed Abdel khalek, Fabrication of PES/ TiO2 Nanotubes Reverse Osmosis (RO) blend Membrane for Brackish water desalination, 1st International Conference for Modern Nano-Technology in Water and Waste Water projects (MNTW’2012), Sept. 15, 2012 , Cairo, Egypt
- Mohamed Shaban, Amin Hussein, Detection of Heavy Metal Ions in Water by PAA/CNTs Nanosensor, 1st International Conference for Modern Nano-Technology in Water and Waste Water projects (MNTW’2012), Sept. 15, 2012 , Cairo, Egypt
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Ali, Mohamed Serry, “Advanced Metallic Nanoarray Membrane Sensor for Environmental and Biomedical Detection” The XXX Conference on Materials Science and Applications & Workshop on Functional Materials (Eg-MRS 2012), 25 th-28 th November 2012, Marsa Alam , Egypt
- Ashour M. Ahmed , Ehab M. Abdel Rhman, Hany Hamdy and Mohamed Shaban ,“Fabrication of alumina nanowires decorated with Chromium” The XXX Conference on Materials Science and Applications & Workshop on Functional Materials (Eg-MRS 2012), 25 th-28 th November 2012, Marsa Alam , Egypt
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Ali, Kamal Abdel-hady, Hany Hamdy,”Fabrication and Characterization of One Dimensional Alumina Nanowires, 1 st International Conference on Advanced Basic& Applied Sciences(ABAS) including Egyptian-Sweden Workshop on Advanced Materials, 6-9 November 2012, Hurghada, Egypt
- M. Serry, A. Gamal, A. A. Kader and M. Shaban,” NOVEL NANOSTRUCTURED ELECTROCHEMICAL SENSORS BASED ON DENSE METAL NANOPARTICLE FILMS”, Proceedings of 2013 Nanomechanical Sensing Workshop, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Ali, Kamal Abdel-hady, Hany Hamdy, Controlled method to fabricate high yield alumina nanowires, ICCE-21- 21st Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering to be held in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, July 21-27, 2013
- M. Serry, A. Gamal, A. A. Kader, A. Sharaf, M. Shaban, “Nanostructured Membrane Separators for Electrochemical Detection of Heavy Metals” The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS 2013; Barcelona; Spain; 16 – 20 June 2013, Article number 6626964, Pages 1103-1106. Doi: 10.1109/Transducers.2013.6626964
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona M. Fekry, Mohamed Serry, Hany Saleh Hamdy,” Characterization of P-doped SiGe thin film fabricated using low plasma chemical vapour(LPCVD) deposition technique on glass substrate” International conference on nanomaterials fabrications and characterization, Nanotech Challenges 2014, 14-17 April 2014, Cairo, Egypt
- M. Shaban, Ashour M. Ahmed , Ehab M. Abdel Rhman, and Hany Hamdy “Fabrication of Highly Ordered Porous Anodic Alumina Template Decorated with Nanostructured Ultra-Thin Cu Film” International conference on nanomaterials fabrications and characterization, Nanotech Challenges 2014, 14-17 April 2014, Cairo, Egypt
- Mohamed Shaban, G. F. Attia, Mohamed A. Basyooni,Hany Hamdy, “Synthesis and Characterization of Tin Oxide thin Films and Effect of annealing on Multilayer Film,” The 5th international conference on modern Trends in Physics Research (MTPR-014), 15-19 December 2014, Cairo University, Egypt. The WPS International Conference Proceedings of the Fifth MTPR-014 Conference, Volume 9914, June 2015
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Mostafa, Fayez Shahin, “Spin Coated Nanostructured CdS Thin Film on Porous Anodic Alumina Substrate for Solar Energy Applications”, Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Novemeber 13-19, 2015, Houston, Taxes, USA (IMECE2015-50487)
- Mohamed Shaban,”Structural, Morphological and Optical Characterization of Nanorods Structured ITO Thin Film” The 32nd Eg-MRS International Conference, 6th-9th Jan 2016, Aswan, Egypt
- Mohamed Shaban, Mona Mustafa, Hany Hamdy, Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructured Mg-doped CdS/AAO nanoporous membrane for sensing Applications, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials , 20-24 March 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9805, 98052N(2016)
- Hemdan S. Hamed, Mohamed Shaban, Mohamed Rabie, S. Taha, Raman spectroscopy and morphological properties of nanostructrured photosensitive thin films based on CdS, The 1st Egy Nanophotonics and Nanophononics Conference, 10 – 13 August 2016, Hurghada, Egypt
- Mohamed Shaban, Dalia El-Fiky, Ahmed E. Ghitas, Noha Elgohary, Mohamed El-Kosy, Design of Solar Cell Array Based on Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Membrane for Space Applications, The 1st Egy Nanophotonics and Nanophononics Conference, 10 – 13 August 2016, Hurghada, Egypt
- Mohamed Shaban, Mostafa R. Abukhadra, Photocatalytic and Fenton's Oxidation Characterization of Natural Chromite for low cost Congo red dye Degradation in Presence and Absence of H2O2, The 1st Egy Nanophotonics and Nanophononics Conference, 10 – 13 August 2016, Hurghada, Egypt
c) Book Published:
- M. Shaban, Mohamed Rabia, S. M. Sayyah, Electropolymerization kinetics, characterization and application: (Polymer/Pt)-electrode as pH and heavy metal sensors, Published by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2016, ISBN 10: 3659852260 ISBN 13: 9783659852268
- Mohamed Serry, Mohamed Shaban, Abdel Hamed Sharaf, Asmaa Gamal "Novel nanostructured membrane separators and uses thereof” Patent: US 2016/0129403 A1, may 2016"