Brief Introduction of Dr. Kutubuddin Ansari

Name: Dr. Kutubuddin Ansari

Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Geomatics Engineering, TURKEY

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Dr. Kutubuddin Ansari is Assistant Professor, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Geomatics Engineering, TURKEY.

Educational Qualifications:

  • Doctoral of Philosophy, GNSS Geodesy Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai (India) 2014
  • Master of Science, Mathematics Kanpur University, Kanpur (India) 2008
  • Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, Physics Kanpur University, Kanpur (India) 2006

Work Experiences:

  • Assistant Professor, IKC University, Izmir, Turkey, Teaching courses: “GNSS Surveying, Geodesy, Mathematical Foundation of Geodesy, Numerical Methods in Engineering and Hindi” (Jan 2015-Present)
  • Translator, Dragoman Translation, Istanbul, Turkey, Responsibility: “Urdu to English and English to Urdu translation (Oct 2016-Present)
  • Research Associate, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, Report Title: “Dislocation modelling of Himalayan Topographic front” (Jul 2014-Dec 2014)

Academic Association History Publications:

a) Research Articles:

  • Ansari K (2016) The Triangulated Affine Transformation Parameter and Barycentric Coordinates of Turkish Permanent GPS Network, Survey Review (In Review)
  • Yetkin M and Ansari K (2016) On the Determination of Transformation Parameters between Different ITRS Realizations using Procrustes Approach in Turkey, Survey Review (In Review)
  • Ansari K, Corumluoglu O and Yetkin M (2016) Projectivity, Affine, Similarity and Euclidean Coordinates Transformation Parameters from ITRF to EUREF in Turkey, Journal of Applied Geodesy (In Review)
  • Ansari K, Althuwaynee OF and Corumluoglu O (2016) Monitoring and Prediction of Precipitable Water Vapor using GPS data in Turkey, Journal of Applied Geodesy,
  • Ansari K and Corumluoglu O (2016) Ionospheric Observation over Turkey by using Turkish Permanent GPS Network, International Conference on Agricultural, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ACEE-16), Istanbul, Turkey: 32-36
  • Ansari K (2014) Quantification of slip along deformation using Finite Element Method, Journal of Research in Environmental and Earth Sciences, 1 (1): 25-28
  • Ansari K, Mukul M and Jade S (2014) Dislocation modelling of the 1997-2009 high-precision Global Positioning System displacements in Darjiling-Sikkim Himalaya, India, International Conference on Earth Science and Climate Change (ICESCC 2014), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 8 (10): 609-612
  • Ansari K, Srivastava V, Mukul M and Jade S (2014) Understanding Himalayan earthquakes using high-precision Global Positioning System (GPS): Insights from the Darjiling-Sikkim Himalaya, Research Scholars & Alumni Symposium 2014 (RSAS 2014), IIT-Bombay, Mumbai, India: 57-58
  • Mukul M, Jade S, Ansari K and Matin A (2014) Seismotectonic implications of strike-slip earthquakes in Darjiling-Sikkim Himalaya, Current Science, 106 (2): 198-210