
  • Hamza Aliyu Galadanchi Department of Business Administration, Al-Qalam University Katsina, Katsina State, Nigeria.
  • Fatima Sani Stores Department of Business Administration, Al-Qalam University Katsina, Katsina State, Nigeria.



Entrepreneurial Competencies, Firm Performance, Women-Owned Business, Developing Economy


In the context of family-owned enterprises, this study examines the conceptual implications of various entrepreneurial competencies on firm performance. We conceptually examined the relationships between these forms of entrepreneurial competencies and business success, focusing on the idea of entrepreneurial competencies, which comprise competencies of analytical planning, invention, teamwork, leadership, networking, and Enforcement/implementation. Our research, which is based on the literature that is currently accessible, shows that companies that place a high value on entrepreneurial competencies typically perform well due to the competitive advantages they possess over their competitors. The paper provides some conceptual clarification on entrepreneurship in developing nations and makes recommendations for additional empirical research on firms focusing on entrepreneurial competencies that could help policymakers implement more successful programs to support and nurture entrepreneurs for the prosperity of the economy.


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How to Cite

Galadanchi, H. A., & Sani Stores, F. . (2023). CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS OF SELECTED ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES AND PERFORMANCE OF WOMEN OWNED-BUSINESSES. International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies, 7(3), 42–53.