Machinery, Infrastructure, Modernization, Fuel And Energy Complex, Technological Structure, Sustainable Development, Ecosystem, Machines, Methodology, RiskAbstract
The subject of the work is the methodology of modernization of the technical infrastructure of the fuel and energy complex during the transition to the eighth technological order; the object of the work is the technical infrastructure of the fuel and energy complex during the eighth technological order; the purpose of the work is to reduce the risks of sustainable development of the Russian fuel and energy complex during the formation of the eighth technological order; to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: the necessity of modernization of technical infrastructure during the development of a new technological order is justified; the concept and features of the eighth technological order are clarified; the methodology of modernization of technical infrastructure in the process of development of the eighth technological order is formed; the scientific methods of the article are historical, comparative and logical analysis, theory of hierarchical systems, innovation, forecasting, synthesis, expert assessments; the scientific novelty of the article is connected with the substantiation of the methodology of modernization of the technical infrastructure of the fuel and energy complex at its two hierarchical levels, the development of an ecosystem approach in the fuel and energy complex.
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