Idea, Efficiency, System Approach, Technological Order, Analysis, Subject, Project, Factors, Modeling, CriterionAbstract
The subject of the article is the synthesis of ideas of innovative projects during the formation of the eighth technological order; the object of the article is innovative activity during the eighth technological order; the purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of the synthesis of innovative ideas during the transition to the eighth technological order; to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: research and clarification of the concept and essence of innovative ideas; analysis of factors and methods of synthesis of innovative ideas in the process of development of a new technological order; formation of methods for the analysis of innovative ideas; description of modeling processes and business planning of projects for the implementation of these ideas; scientific methods in the article are: synthesis theory; theory of technological order, modeling theory, expert assessments, heuristic synthesis, structural and logical analysis of projects; scientific novelty of the article is associated with the development of methods for the synthesis and analysis of the effectiveness of innovative project ideas in the conditions of the formation of the eighth technological order.
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