Heavy Metal, Cadmium, Lead, Enrichment Factor, Quality StandardsAbstract
The enrichment factors of Cd and Pb were determined in Gembong estuary as the biggest estuary in and polluted in Indonesia. Heavy metals over a period of time sooner or later will cause damage to aquatic ecosystems. Cd (cadmium) and Pb (lead) are non-essential metals. Various human activities both industrial and domestic around Gembong estuary waters have the potential to degrade the quality of the water. The purpose of this study is to analyze the content and enrichment factors of Cd and Pb in sediment. The study was conducted in October 2019 at the high tide and low tide. The method used was quantitative. Heavy metal analysis using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS AA-7000). The result showed that the concentrations of heavy metals contained in the sediment at the high tide were Cd (0.345-1.261 µg/g) and Pb (13.200-47.600 µg/g) and at low tide were Cd (0.017-1.261 µg/g) Pb (15.600-45.240 µg/g). Based on IADC/CEDA quality standard criteria (1997). The standard quality criteria for Cd (0.8 µg/g) means that the concentration of Cd at high tide and low tide have exceeded the quality standard. Meanwhile, for Pb (85 µg/g), the concentration of Pb at high tide and low tide was still below the target level of quality standards. The enrichment factor values for Cd at the high tide and low tide fall into the moderate-very high enrichment category. The enrichment factor values for Pb at the high and low tide was in the moderate-high enrichment category
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