
  • Ammar Samout Department of Management Science, Faculty of Economics and Management of SFax-Tunisia
  • Amel Raddaoui Researcher in Economics - Sfax-Tunisia University



Health Crisis, Covid-19


In this article we are interested in a current issue, namely to what extent and by what mechanisms can the COVID-19 health crisis influence the economy and the financial market. This article proposes, after having defined the concepts "the health crisis, economic crisis and financial crisis", to assess the impact of the health crisis on the economy and on the financial market.

To answer this question, we have opted for a methodology that consists of reviewing the theoretical literature on the subject first, and then going on to a study of the socio-economic and financial impact of COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Samout, A., & Raddaoui, et A. (2020). THE FINANCIAL CRISIS: WHAT IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY AND ON THE FINANCIAL MARKET?. International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies, 4(5), 98–107.