Demand, Supply, Labor, Covid 19Abstract
This study aims to determine the effect of 1) demand, 2) supply, 3) labor, 4) covid 19. The sampling in this research was conducted by using a incidental sampling method. Methods of data collection through questionnaires that have been distributed to 100 respondents who have met criteria. With multiple linear regression analysis, it shows that the demand, supply, labor both partial and simultaneous have significant effect on covid 19. It can be concluded that mitigation of demand, supply, labor towards covid 19. The results of t test showed that demand is approved and indicates demand has great impact on affecting the covid 19, supply is not approved and indicates supply has less impact on affecting the covid 19, labor is approved and indicates labor has great impact on affecting the covid 19. The results of f test showed that both of the independent variables are simultaneously affecting the covid 19. The result of R Square of the regression model is 0.216 which shows that 21,6 % of mitigation of covid 19 can be explained by demand, supply, labor. Whereas, the 78,4% of covid 19 variable can be explained by other factors or variables which are not examined in this research.
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