Bulk Density, Basella Alba, Water Absorption Capacity, Oil Absorption CapacityAbstract
This study aimed at determining the proximate, functional, and physicochemical properties of Basella alba whole flour (BWF) and Basella alba protein concentrate (BPC) for use as food ingredients with a view to improve their utilization by producing concentrate from its protein content which will serve as a cheap but abundant source of protein. OAU farm provided fresh Basella alba leaves. The stalk was quickly cut off, and the leaves were cleaned under running water to get rid of any mud or dirt that had stuck to them. Following cleaning, the leaves were dried in an oven for 4-5 hours at 60 °C. The powdered leaves were then sieved through sieves with a mesh size of 60 to 80. (Basella alba whole flour). The whole flour was used to prepare the concentrate by combined process of insolubilisation, neutralization and lyophilisation. The resulting flour was subjected to proximate, functional, and physicochemical properties determination. The results of the functional properties revealed that Basella alba protein concentrate (BPC) exhibited higher bulk density, water absorption, Oil absorption capacity and emulsifying properties when compared with BWF. This implies that that BPC will find better application as food ingredient. The proximate composition's findings revealed that the BPC has higher protein content than the BWF. In conclusion, the study revealed that Basella alba protein concentrate can be used as protein fortification and enrichment owing to its favorable protein content.
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