
  • Lucas Alves de Oliveira Lima Undergraduate Student In Administration At The Federal Rural University Of Rio De Janeiro (UFRRJ)
  • Jorge Alberto Veloso Saldanha Graduated in Administration From Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina (UFSC/1999); Master In Administration From UFSC/2004; Phd in Production Engineering From UFSC/2009. Associate Professor - II, Federal Rural University of Rio De Janeiro (UFRRJ)
  • Paulo Lourenço Domingues Junior PhD in Sociology from the University of São Paulo and associate professor at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Brazil
  • Matheus Alves de Oliveira Lima Undergraduate Student in Administration At The Federal Rural University of Rio De Janeiro (UFRRJ)
  • Gabriela Halfeld Barros Duarte Undergraduate Student In Administration At The Federal Rural University of Rio De Janeiro (UFRRJ)



People Management, Law Number 8,213 (Quotas Law, People With Disabilities, Mattress Factory, Três Rios (RJ)

Abstract [English]

In the 1970s, social inclusion became a ubiquitous issue in the global scenario and professionals in the field of People Management began to adopt strategies for the inclusion of people with disabilities (PWD) in the labor market. However, currently, many organizations still face difficulties in hiring PWD, not adopting an effective inclusion, despite being provided for in Law number 8,213 of July 24, 1991 (Law of Quotas for PWD). Given this fact, the objective of this research was to analyze how Law number 8,213 is being applied in a mattress factory located in the city of Três Rios/RJ. This is a research of qualitative approach, which was conducted through an in-depth interview with the manager of the People Management area, through a questionnaire based on the Model of Campos, Vasconcellos and Kruglianskas (2013). To carry out the data analysis, it was used the content analysis technique according to Bardin (1977). As a result of the research, it was found that the factory does not perform as a strategy of People Management an effective inclusion program for the PWD, since practices are not developed to facilitate accessibility, retention and awareness of such individuals in the workplace. It is concluded that the admission of PWD is made tied to the legal obligation, i.e., for the mere fulfillment of the minimum percentage required by Law number 8,213. In this sense, the adoption of palliative strategies prevails in the factory so that people with disabilities are only inserted into the workplace.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Lima, L. A., Veloso Saldanha, J. A., Domingues Junior, P. L., de Oliveira Lima, M. A., & Barros Duarte, G. H. (2021). PEOPLE MANAGEMENT AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE INCLUSION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES (PWD) AT WORK: A STUDY IN A MATTRESS FACTORY LOCATED IN SOUTHEASTERN BRAZIL. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 9(10), 349–365.

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