Vedic Astrology, Jyotish, Vedas, Astrophysics, Origin of Life, EvolutionAbstract [English]
The definition of Vedic Astrology (“Jyotish”, one of the six Vedangas and ancillary of ageless four Vedas)) clearly refutes the wrong notion about Astrology. ‘The think tank’ holds that Astrology as ‘nonsense’ and not to be taken seriously, felt that astrology needs to gain academic credentials in order to be taken seriously. The academics wondered why astrology needs to find a place at university. After all, it shows no interest in being linked to fields of science. In the present study, it is proved that “Indian Astrology” is an embodiment of all modern sciences and a panacea for all the evils plaguing the mankind. Astrology is the study of effect of sunlight on the planet Earth and life living on it based on the laws of Astrophysics.
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