Para Vidya, Apara Vidya, Jyotish, Vedanga, Vedas, ElectromagnetismAbstract [English]
Vedic Paradigm is a survey of Vedic literature of ‘Para Vidya’ of the unlimited realm of transcendental knowledge besides ‘Apara Vidya’ knowledge of material sciences has stupendous knowledge of science latent in them. Instead of exploring the science latent in the vedic literature by scientific management, Indian academics in support with some more from other countries together chose to nomenclature the rich heritage of ancient Hindu wisdom as “Nationalistic Pseudoscience”. The present study disproved this unwarranted criticism. ‘Jyotish’, one of the six Vedangas and ancillary of the four Vedas since antiquity, taken here in this paper as one example as an embodiment of all modern sciences latent.‘Jyotish’ is defined as the study of the effect of Astrophysics on the earth and all life living on it affording a clue to birth, death, rebirth and liberation of soul while affording proof that the entire subject together with the genesis of its principles is based on sunlight, the electromagnetic wave of light and radiation characterized by frequency or wavelength of oscillations.
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