Quality Of Life At Work (QLW), Job Satisfaction, Call CenterAbstract [English]
This research aimed to analyze the perception of Call Center operators of an E-Commerce company in the municipality of Três Rios/RJ about what is Quality of Life at Work (QLW), as well as what are the beneficial and harmful aspects of this kind of work. This is an exploratory qualitative approach research, where the case study technique was used with the application of structured interviews using a sample of ten workers. After collecting the data, it was possible to verify that the main perceptions about Quality of Life at Work (QLW) are linked to recognition and satisfaction in the work environment. In practice, beneficial factors such as constant learning, good interpersonal relationships and work infrastructure prevail. However, there is the prevalence of harmful aspects such as the high workload on Saturdays and the lack of better tools for carrying out activities. In addition, it was also found that two employees acquired stress, insomnia, eating disorders and anxiety due to customer complaints and high charges for goals.
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