Vehicles, Pollutants, CO, HC, Combustion SystemsAbstract [English]
Number of vehicles moving in the city of Denpasar is quite dense and has the potential to produce high carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) exhaust gases which can be fatal to human health. The research objective is to analyze the level of air pollution in the city of Denpasar and analyze the factors that cause pollution from motorized vehicles. To calculate the volume of traffic using the application traffic counter on an android phone. The research method uses trend analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The growth of CO pollutants in the city of Denpasar increased with a growth value of 0.88 to 3.25 per year so that in 2021 the level of CO is predicted to be between 32.41% to 81.52%. Likewise, HC levels increase with a growth value of 0.85 - 1.59 per year so that in 2021 HC levels are predicted between 2,670 ppm to 24,383 ppm. The vehicles age and engine combustion system have a strong correlation in producing CO and HC values; while brand, engine capacity and mileage correlate very weak. The conclusion is that newer vehicles and the latest combustion systems produce lower CO and HC levels.
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