
  • Simona Trifu University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Carol Davila” Bucharest, Romania
  • Irina Boeru Faculty of Psychology and Education Science, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Ilinca Vlaicu Faculty of Psychology and Education Science, University of Bucharest, Romania
  • Amelia Damiana Trifu “Tudor Vianu” National College of Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ana Miruna Drăgoi Clinical Hospital for Psychiatry “Alex. Obregia”, Bucharest, Romania



Dissociative Identity Disorder, Psychotic Functioning, Paraphrenic Area, Abuse, Dissociation of Affective Memories

Abstract [English]

Motivation/Background: The dissociative identity disorder implies as central defense the dissociation, that is being more recently studied. With the identification of the importance of this mechanism of functioning, the modern psychiatrists show the interest of this area, not only about the spectrum of the discharge, as was the case in Freud's time. Dissociative identity disorder involves a patient who can function in any registry, be it neurotic, psychotic or disharmonic.

Method: Study of specialized literature, psychodynamic and psychoanalytic psychiatric perspective, psychiatric evaluation, evaluation of intrapsychic dynamics, transfer and countertransference analysis, hypnosis option study.

Results: Psychically, patients function within a DID, with particularities such as the construction of illogisms, reversing the cause with the effect, sliding the speech towards the secondary meanings of the words, sliding easily from general to particular and from abstract to concrete. From the dissociative dimension we find the impersonal speech or the use of several pronouns with reference to the self and the denial of reality as a handy way to deal with the trauma, which we suppose from the register of abuse.

Conclusions: We find several personalities with symbolic meanings, with a deficit of mentalization, sometimes with an emphatic laugh and an attitude of superiority.


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How to Cite

Trifu, S., Boeru, I., Vlaicu, I., Trifu, A. D., & Drăgoi, A. M. (2019). THE DISSOCIATIVE CONFABULATORY PROBLEM. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 7(8), 9–16.

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