
  • Cristina Marie Alissandra V. Redubla, RPm Registered Psychometrician, Schistosomiasis Hospital, Palo, Leyte, Philippines
  • Ginbert Permejo Cuaton Faculty-Researcher, Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines




Caregiving Experience, Mental Illness, Caregiver, Philippines, Phenomenological Research

Abstract [English]

In the Philippines, mental illness remains a stigmatized, under-researched topic. Few studies on mental health are available, and at present, there is scant literature concerning the experiences of people living with and giving care to mentally ill peoples. This qualitative study aims to help families, mental health professionals, and the general community, gain an understanding of the experiences of caregivers and the challenges they face in sustaining their roles. Phenomenological method was employed for this research to explore the experiences of caregivers of the mentally ill patients in a Mental Health Facility in Leyte, Philippines. The primary data were collected through in-depth interviews with carers/caregivers/relatives of five (5) mentally ill persons. Library and internet desk research in its related literature were also employed. General findings of the study showed that caring for a mentally ill is burdensome. Data analysis revealed four superordinate themes under the experiences of caregivers, these consists of 1) caregiving difficulties, 2) various emotional reactions, 3) attitude towards the situation, and 4) positive caregiving experiences. Several support programs and services such as provision of mental health education and counseling regarding facts about the illness, its treatment and management, and leniency on watcher requirements during hospital admission are recommended to facilitate better caregiving experience of carers of the mentally ill.


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How to Cite

Redubla, RPm, C. M., & Cuaton, G. P. (2019). A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY ON THE EXPERIENCES OF CARERS OF THE MENTALLY ILL ON A MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY IN THE PHILIPPINES. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 7(3), 38–47. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v7.i3.2019.941