
  • Ali H. Algarni Mechanical Engineering Dept., College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
  • Mohamed H. Mohamed Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculaty of Engineering EL-Mattaria, Helwan University, P.O.Box : 11718, Cairo, Egypt.




PV, Power Electronics, On-Grid, Inverter, Battery Charger, Back-up Generator, PVsyst


According to Saudi Arabia vision of 2030, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is undergoing through various stages and working on projects to make their airports environment friendly and pollution free. For this, they are working to install solar panels and make electricity to meet up their requirements. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, all the airports will be transformed in environmental friendly airports. We are working on the project to install a solar PV system in Jeddah International airport. It is taken the values for electricity consumption of the airport and designed two different systems: On-Grid and OFF-Grid and implement them with the desired requirements. Using PVsyst software, the On-grid design has been simulated as well as the economic analysis has been calculated. The results indicated that cost analysis shows that energy produced will cost 0.073USD/kWh. Detailed economic analysis of ON-Grid system is introduced and get On-grid design system of PV more beneficial. This system provides our investment back within 4.3 years and its environment friendly obvious.


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How to Cite

Algarni, A. H., & H. Mohamed, M. (2022). ON-GRID PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF A SOLAR ENERGY PLANT FOR KING ABULAZIZ AIRPORT LOADS. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 9(5), 90–109. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v9.i5.2022.1168