
  • Melkamu Kisi Addis Ababa Science and Technology University P.O.B 16417, Addis Ababa




Professional Identity, Professional Development, Identity Construction


This study explores how English Language teachers in primary school construct their professional identities (PI) as English teachers. Teacher interview was uses as a data gathering tools for the study. Accordingly, ten English language teachers who were teaching English in upper primary schools were interviewed to collect data needed. The results of the interview data reveal that former English as FLT willingness to help students learn well, good teaching skills, students’ engagement, the understanding that schools as a safe learning environment, and teacher confidence and competence were honored by EFL to construct their profession identities. Similarly, teachers’ commitment, sense of appreciation and self-understanding, sense of connectedness, and imaging future career were also honored to develop teacher professional identity. The teacher interview data imply that the English teachers are required to professionally develop the willingness to help students learn well, to develop the motivation needed to engage students to increase their classroom practices. Based on the findings of the study, it was suggested that UPSET is also required to get further development programs so that they develop their knowledge and pedagogic skills needed to create a safe learning environment and to their increase confidence and competence needed to teach this grade level students


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How to Cite

Kisi, M. (2022). EXPLORING HOW ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL CONSTRUCT THEIR PROFESSIONAL IDENTITIES. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 9(2), 82–92. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v9.i2.2022.1024