
  • Neil Coffman Florida Atlantic University
  • Daniel Meeroff Florida Atlantic University
  • Frederick Bloetscher Florida Atlantic University



Leachate, Oxidation Titanium Dioxide, Photocatalytic


This project evaluated the use of titanium dioxide for leachate treatment and recovery of methods for TiO2, using a TiO2 recovery technology, which was high enough to be economical ($10 - $15 per 1,000 gallons) to be adopted by wastewater treatment plants.  When comparing recovery technologies, the three which were investigated further through experimentation were a centrifuge, sedimentation tank, and microfilter membrane.  Upon experimentation and research, the TiO2 recovery efficiencies of these technologies were 99.5%, 92.5%, and 96.3%, respectively.  When doing economic analysis on these technologies comparing TiO2 efficiencies and capital and operational costs, the centrifuge was the most preferred economic option.  It was found that costs were in the economical range ($10 - $15/1,000 gallons).   TiO2: settling behavior, particle size and zeta potential, interactions with COD, and filter operations (particle characterization) were discovered for future research and future testing on this issue.


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How to Cite

Coffman, N., Meeroff, D., & Bloetscher, F. (2020). PHOTOCATALYTIC OXIDATION OF LANDFILL LEACHATE USING UV/TiO2 WITH CATALYST RECOVERY. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 7(8), 21–34.