
  • Maher A. El-Hallaq Department of Civil Engineering, The Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine
  • Mahmoud I. El-sheikh Eid Department of Civil Engineering, The Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine



Gaza Strip, GIS, Land Registration, Palestinian Land Authority, SWOT Analysis, Web User Interface


Gaza Strip suffers from a lack of advanced techniques that help and support land registration such as GIS technology. The currently-used-system for land registration in the Gaza Strip is extremely traditional and not able to meet the increasing demand. Conflicts between data on maps and on ground are frequently faced and decisions relating to these problems cannot easily be made. Such an out of date system leads to difficulties in tracking and updating land owners and identifying the actual current owners. This research aims to suggest a new automatic land registration system in the Gaza Strip. Through a multi users unified database with identified access per each user, this new system will ease land registration for both Gaza citizens as well as the Palestinian Land Authority's (PLA) employees. A user-friendly web-based GIS tool is developed to accelerate the land registration process, in addition to providing a decision support system through easily managing and interpreting attribute and spatial data in a precise logical way. The aforementioned new developed tools will create and maintain an accurate, secure and comprehensive land registration system in the Gaza Strip.


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How to Cite

El-Hallaq, M. A., & El-sheikh Eid, M. I. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF A GIS-BASED LAND REGISTRY SYSTEM FOR THE GAZA STRIP. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 7(4), 1–19.