
  • Kostjuchenko O.A. Department of Architecture, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukrainе
  • Bolotov G.I. Department of Architecture, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukrainе
  • Birillo I.V. Department of Architecture, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukrainе




Art centre, Contemporary art, Architectural and planning arrangement, Culture


The authors of the article investigate the special aspects of architectural and planning arrangement of art centres in Ukraine in comparison with the arrangement of art centres in the US, taking into account peculiar cultural, ethnic, and mentality features. The research technique is based on a method of comparative analysis to identify common features and differences and further develop recommendations. It has been established that introvert nature of Ukrainians, which is one of their key features, is the prerequisite for the use of certain techniques in the arrangement of space in art centres and, thus, has an effect on their architectural and planning arrangement. The use of certain subjects, the use of subject boundaries between parts of the exhibition, and other functional areas are one of such techniques. It has been suggested to use scripts of visual practices used, based on the studying of types of interrelations between humans and the outside world and their perception of the architectural space. The conducted research, dedicated to art centres in Ukraine, shows the need to take into account the peculiarities of Ukrainian culture and mentality in the development of architectural and planning arrangement of buildings for the art centres.


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How to Cite

O.A., K., G.I., B., & I.V., B. (2020). SPECIAL ASPECTS OF ARCHITECTURAL AND PLANNING ARRANGEMENT OF ART CENTRES IN UKRAINE. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 7(2), 103–110. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v7.i2.2020.523