
  • Francisco Espinoza Morales Department Administrative Sciences, Sonora University, México
  • Cruz García Lirios Department Administrative Science, Metropolitan University, México
  • Arturo Sánchez Sanchez Department Administrative Sciences, Tlaxcala University, México
  • Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas Department, Administrative Sciences, Sonora University, México
  • Gilberto Bermúdez Ruíz Department Administrative Sciences, Anahuac University, México
  • María del Rosario Molina González Department Social Sciences, Sonora University, México




Compliance, Performance, Availability, Supply Rate


Social representations are visions of the everyday world that is historically constructed alongside the dissemination of media intensifies their audiences. In this sense, the printed media availability and water policy has not only been systematically reduced to opinions by the press, but also two logics have been grown on the credibility of the information and the verifiability of it. In this sense, this study exposes the lines of discussion for the analysis of tandem policies and agenda setting in the availability and supply of water. The results show frames from newspaper audiences are considered promoters of a relative deprivation that is the conformism of the service quality of public water supplies.


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How to Cite

Morales, F. E., Lirios, C. G., Sanchez, A. S., Campas, C. Y. Q., Ruíz, G. B., & González, M. del R. M. (2020). SPECIFICATION A MODEL FOR STUDY OF PERIURBAN SERVICES. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 7(1), 85–88. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v7.i1.2020.531