
  • Mohan Kantharia Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Amity school of Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India



Sensors, Intelligent Buildings, Smart City


Human comfort is the key factor in all kind of developments, for this natural resources are exploitation is being continued. Though energy production have increased tremendously, but population growth rate is more than the development rate. Hence there is always scarcity of the electricity, safe drinking water. Intelligent houses with smart traffic, smart irrigation can make smart city and provide some solutions for these problems. In these review paper solutions of some common society problems with sensor based automation in infrastructure has been discussed. Major areas of overview are intelligent buildings, smart ventilation of buildings, integration of solar panels with smart roof, smart traffics control, and smart irrigation system etc. These smart systems not only saving energy, and water but also reducing the cost hence desirable. Though this arrangement need so many sensors, control system, management system, computer internets network hence complicated but solving our problems smartly. The future time will be of smart infrastructure.


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How to Cite

Kantharia, M. (2018). SMART CITY TO INTELLIGENT HOUSES: FUTURISTIC SUSTAINABILITY APPROACH. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 5(2), 148–152.