
  • M. Sornam Department of Computer Science, University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai, India




SAR, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Segmentation, Look-Alikes, Oil Spills


Oil spill pollution plays a significant role in damaging marine ecosystem. Discharge of oil due to tanker accidents has the most dangerous effects on marine environment. The main waste source is the ship based operational discharges. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can be effectively used for the detection and classification of oil spills. Oil spills appear as dark spots in SAR images. One major advantage of SAR is that it can generate imagery under all weather conditions. However, similar dark spots may arise from a range of unrelated meteorological and oceanographic phenomena, resulting in misidentification. A major focus of research in this area is the development of algorithms to distinguish ‘oil spills’ from ‘look-alikes’. The features of detected dark spot are then extracted and classified to discriminate oil spills from look-alikes. This paper describes the development of a new approach to SAR oil spill detection using Segmentation method and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). A SAR-based oil-spill detection process consists of three stages: image segmentation, feature extraction and object recognition (classification) of the segmented objects as oil spills or look-alikes. The image segmentation was performed with Otsu method. Classification has been done using Back Propagation Network and this network classifies objects into oil spills or look-alikes according to their feature parameters. Improved results have been achieved for the discrimination of oil spills and look-alikes.


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How to Cite

Sornam, M. (2017). OILSPILL AND LOOK-ALIKE SPOTS FROM SAR IMAGERY USING OTSU METHOD AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 4(11), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v4.i11.2017.117