
  • Muzafer Ahmad Sheikh Research Scholar, Department of Botany, Govt Madhav Science PG College Ujjain, M.P., India
  • Pinky Dwivedi Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Govt Madhav Science PG College Ujjain, M.P., India



Organic manure, NPK, Vermicompost, Farmyard manure, Seed germination


In order to investigate the comparative analysis of physico-chemical parameters of experimental soil (black cotton soil), vermicompost, farmyard manure and their impact on seed germination, the study was conducted by using Randomized block design (RBD) with three replications at the Department of Botany Govt. Madhav Science P.G. College Ujjain, M.P. The various physico-chemical parameters (pH, electric conductivity, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, iron, and manganese) and seed germination of soybean and wheat were studied in the experiment. The results revealed that pH (7.14), electric conductivity (1.84 ds/m), organic carbon (198.53 g/kg), nitrogen (246.57 kg/ha), phosphorus (55.24 kg/ha), potassium (438.52 kg/ha), zinc (320.13 ppm), copper (289.34 ppm), iron (239.34 ppm) and manganese (248.37 ppm) were found more efficient in vermicompost followed by farmyard manure and soil. The results also revealed that seed germination percentage of soybean was found highest (91%) by using 20% vermicompost followed by 20% farmyard manure (86%), 200 gm NPK (73%) treatment, control (69%) and seed germination in wheat was maximum (93%) in 20% vermicompost treatment followed by 20% farmyard manure (87%), 200 gm NPK (74%) and minimum (70%) in control. The study concluded that vermicompost is nutrient rich and most efficient organic manure than farmyard manure and NPK fertilizer for the better growth and sustainable agriculture of soybean.


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How to Cite

Sheikh, M. A., & Dwivedi , P. . (2017). PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF ORGANIC MANURE, SOIL AND IMPACT OF ORGANIC MANURE AND NPK FERTILIZER ON SEED GERMINATION OF SOYBEAN AND WHEAT. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 4(12), 118–130.