
  • Winarto Babo Gunadarma University
  • Metty Mustikasari Department Management Information System, Gunadarma University, Indonesia




COBIT5, DSS, MEA, Mobile Application, BPJSTKu, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan


BPJS as a social security to provides protection to all workers in Indonesian utilize especially mobile application in providing information and services to all BPJS customer anytime and anywhere without having to BPJS branch office. Beginning in 2019 BPJS has mobile application with the name as a continuation of BPJSTK Mobile has been made previously. The addition of new features and improvements to the mobile application apparently still provides problem and complaints from workers addressed to the BPJS branch office, BPJS complaints services, and BPJS contact center. For this reason, it’s necessary to evaluate the implementation of mobile application as a whole to assist BPJS in achieving the objectives to improving IT governance and management of BPJS . This study aims to evaluate the mobile application using the COBIT 5 which has been implemented in BPJS . In this case the evaluation will be carried out using , service, and support (DSS) domain and the domain monitor, evaluate, and assess (MEA) which in the end will be measured the capability level as well as recommendations for improvement and gap analysis on the mobile application .


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How to Cite

Babo, W., & Mustikasari, M. (2021). EVALUATION OF MOBILE APPLICATION BPJSTKU USING COBIT 5 FRAMEWORK (STUDY CASE: BPJS KETENAGAKERJAAN). International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 8(7), 104–115. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v8.i7.2021.963