
  • A. S. HADDABI Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria.



Promotion, Integrated Pest Management, Cowpea, Fufore, Adamawa State


Cowpea is a good source of protein to human beings and feeds to livestock. The broad objective was the promotion of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in cowpea production in Fufore Local Government Area, and the specific objectives were to create awareness and strengthen the farmers group, describe socio-economic characteristics of farmers, train the farmers group on IPM, compare the performance between improved variety and farmers’ variety, assess profitability of IPM and demonstrate recommended IPM practices. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics and Gross Margin analysis. The Gross Margin under IPM practices was N200,711.80 while N6,899.60 under farmers’ practice. The result of the study showed that an average yield of 239.4kg/ha and 1714kg/ha of cowpea respectively from farmers’ practices and IPM practices. The participating group was strengthened in aspects of group management and to sustain the IPM practices. The farmers were trained in timely planting, correct spacing and fertilizer application, correct dose and timely application od insecticides when necessary and pests identification. 65% of the farmers agreed to adopt IPM in cowpea production as from next year (2009).


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How to Cite

HADDABI, A. S. (2020). PROMOTION OF INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) IN COWPEA PRODUCTION IN FUFORE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, ADAMAWA STATE, NIGERIA. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 7(6), 11–40.