
  • Nguyen Hoang Mai Electrical Department, Danang University, Vietnam
  • Tran van Dung Electrical Department, Daklak College, Vietnam



Hydropower Plants, Speed Control System, Magnetic Excitation, Power Grid, Gas Turbine, Power Plant, Damping, Low Frequency Oscillation, Linear Observer


The low frequency oscillation in the electrical generator connect to power grid is an important problem to control systems, especially in the gas turbine generators with high speed. The oscillation makes affect to life time, finance of operating and effect of energy process. There are many cause of the oscillation in governor speed control of power plants. They use PSS to do damping low frequency oscillation in recently [11], [12], [13], [14], [22], [23]. So PSS usually does process with delay cycle time, therefore it makes effect isn’t good result. This paper presents a method using linear in the gas turbine generator, which connects to power grid. By observe affect action of local oscillation of the power, study finds key point of oscillation time. From that, we take out decision to do prediction of damping in system and supply signal in to PSS to reduce damaging of this oscillation. Simulation results explain difference action of the system with linear observer and system without linear observer.


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How to Cite

Hoang Mai, N., & Dung, T. van. (2018). THE ANALYSIS OF LOCAL OSCILLATION IN THE GAS TURBINE GENERATOR CONNECTTO POWER GRID SYSTEMS USE LINEAR OBSERVER. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 5(2), 159–169.