
  • Poornanand Dubey Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication, Baderia Global Institute of Engineering & Management, Jabalpur (M.P.)



Microstrip Patch Antenna, Dielectric Substrate, Bandwidth, Radiation Pattern


Indicates the comparative characterization of a microstrip patch antenna array with defective geostructure for biomedical application. Compared to traditional antennas, various antennas have advantages in terms of small dimension, low volume, light weight, ease of construction, as well as low interference and good performance after which all understudies use mobile phones to go to classes and educators to take web classes use cell phones. For the above use we need a fast 5G organization with high Bandwidth. This paper proposes a reduced 5G Microstrip patch antenna with DGS structure for better approach for 5G wireless applications. The DGS idea is widely used to improve the radiation properties of the reception device. In the proposed work, a 5G Microstrip patch antenna with 0.4mm thickness FR4 substrate and Dielectric constant (฀r) of 4.4 is planned.


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How to Cite

Dubey, P. (2024). INVESTIGATION OF A COMPACT MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 11(7), 60–69.