
  • Ramet Meena Department of Chemistry, Govt. College, Kota, Rajasthan, India



Water Quality Parameters, Anta, Drinking Water, Health


Water is the basic resource necessary for sustaining all human activities, so its provision in desired quantity and quality is of utmost importance. The present study is focused on measuring the quality drinking water in rural and urban areas of Anta division of Baran district, Rajasthan, India and its effects on human health as told by the people living in these areas. Water pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world, which consequently harms human health and the natural environment. Various analyses including physical, chemical and biological assessment were carried out on the drinking water samples collected from the selected villages in Anta division. The drinking water samples were found to have high pH, Total dissolved solid (TDS), Calcium hardness (CaH), Magnesium hardness (MgH) etc in the water samples. On the contrary to these findings, majority of people living in these areas were not suffering from various water borne diseases. So the study argues about the need and importance of water purification and water management systems in current times.


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How to Cite

Meena, R. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE HEALTH OF RESIDENTS OF ANTA DIVISION OF BARAN DISTRICT, RAJASTHAN. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 11(9), 17–28.